I submitted two short stories for consideration to two online/print fantasy magazines. Yikes! It is terrifying to put myself out there like that, even though I think the work is good, as good as what I read in each of the publications. But still, YIKES!
That said, once the rapid heart rate and and shaking fingers calmed down, I realized something: I have the submission bug … and immediately went looking for more places to send stories. Does that mean I’m trying to punish myself with a series of lingering wondering over possible rejection? Am I overly confident? If so, is that a bad thing?? (for the record, I am absolutely confident … that I’ll get rejected by these two. It is my first time submitting like this and I picked two biggies … cuz go big or go home, right!?)
I do have 25+ short stories after last year’s project with my friend August, and our new project this year. Now, not all of them are worth revisiting, but I’d say about half are. And most of them fit well within the word count these magazines are looking for in their short stories.
Now I just need time to rewrite and edit. And since it can take 30-60 DAYS to hear back, I guess I’ll have plenty of time to dwell on what I’ve done, if not actually do any work for the future 🙂
Deep breath, and end ramble!
March 12, 2013 at 2:03 pm
Hey Jill.
You most likely have all the info you need on places to submit to — but, just in case — the link below has a large list of SF/Fantasy/Horror mags, ezines, along with other ‘writer’ resources. It’s a bit a an eyeful — just a link list — but some good stuff, potentially.
All the best — glad you’re ‘going big’ too.
March 12, 2013 at 2:20 pm
Thanks Frank!