Now that my heart has (mostly) stopped pounding, I can write this up.

I just emailed my first three queries to agents!!! So now we wait, with toes crossed (I’d cross my fingers and eyes, too, but that makes it kinda hard to type).

Two of them are cold queries to agents who represent my genre (urban fantasy). The other was an agent I met at the PNWA conference last summer. She requested 50 pages and a synopsis.

As you might expect, I am nervous, excited … and honestly, kind of restless. I know it’s going to be a while before I hear anything (most agents have a minimum 6-8 week response time). And I’ll send more queries out in the next couple weeks. It’s actually hard not to just send it off to everyone on my list. Just get it all done all at once. But I think that would be overwhelming. I mean, I have more than 60 agents on my list…

So now we play the waiting game. Soon as I hear back from A1, A2, and/or A3 (or any of the others as I make my way through my list), I’ll let you know. In the meantime, to keep myself from gnawing off my fingernails, I guess I’ll have to start work on the next book 🙂

Send me luck, lots and lots of luck. And a thick skin. I’m going to need it.