A few months ago, my long time partner in words August said something along the lines of, “HEY! Let’s do another short story project.”

My immediate answer was YES!! As much as I love writing novels, there was something really challenging about the discipline of the short story.

This time we invited a couple of newbie writers along as well. We’re each responsible for one short story a month. Much easier than the insanity August and I tackled the first time around. The scope of this new project is 4 writers, 12 months, 48 stories. Our only requirement is that it must be speculative fiction of some kind, but under that broad umbrella we’ll get to tackle fantasy, sci-fi, and everything in between. We’re a month in and I love what the four of us have come up with so far.

You can find a new story here every Monday. We’ll also have a couple of bonus guest writers for those months with five Mondays 🙂

Check out my Facebook author page or follow me on twitter for links to all of our stories as they go live each week.


I’ll try to update this blog post weekly as our new stories go live