- And so into a new year we tromp, with all the excitement and anticipation any new start can bring about … As many do, I’ve made a few resolutions. There are the usual: eat healthier, exercise more, practice more patience (especially now that Double Trouble have fully committed themselves to the terrible twos).
- But I also vow to write more. I am thisclose to finishing the final draft of my novel, Almost Like Magic, hopefully by mid-February. With that comes the process of querying agents and getting it out there, into the big bad world. Scary, but it’s what I’ve been working towards since I started it four years ago. During the last two months of 2014 it became easy to find excuses not to go to the library (the boys were sick and kept me up all night; I was sick and up all night; the holidays were coming … you get the idea), but unless I am literally toxic to be around, I am going to get my butt out the door and to my place in the library’s quiet room. Plus, I walk there, and it’s more than a mile roundtrip, so I get a little exercise, too!
- My final resolution is to read more. All kinds of books, from fiction to nonfiction. But I especially need to re-immerse myself in my genre. I have stacks of paperbacks piled on all available surfaces, and dozens loaded onto my kindle. All of them calling out to me: READ ME! READ ME! I promise, I hear you, and I’m coming.
- Fingers, toes, and eyes crossed I can keep all of these resolutions … at least for a few months.
- So, did you make any resolutions this year?
- Happy writing!
January 6, 2015 at 12:08 am
You can totally do this. And, if you don’t, what am supposed to read? Oh, the responsibility you bear!
January 6, 2015 at 6:57 am
The pressure! The pressure! You’ll have to help prod me along 🙂