- So, I finished Almost Like Magic last week. Like, actually have a final draft I’m really, REALLY happy with. FINISHED. It’s such a small word for such a big accomplishment.
- And, ummm … what am I supposed to do now? I’ve been working on it for more than four years.
- Hahahahaha! Just kidding! Did you really think I wouldn’t have thirteen other story ideas ready to go at any time. I’ve been pecking away at a few of them when I needed a break from ALM’s world, and I do have my next project in mind: my NaNo project from 2011. First I’m going to re-read the 50,000-ish words I already have, then start filling in the gaps.
- With any luck, I’ll have it done in the next couple months, have it edited, do more and more rewrites. And then I plan to self-publish it.
- But what about ALM? you’re probably asking. Have no fear! It’s with a few trusted readers who have been with me from the start. Once I get the final feedback from them, and make (hopefully few) changes, I’ll be jumping into the world of querying agents. Otherwise known as crushing my every last dream of being an author on a weekly basis …
- Anyway, onto the next! Happy reading and writing my friends.
March 16, 2015 at 7:34 pm
Congratulations! It is a more than out of body experience when you know you are FINISHED. Your blog made me smile. Nothing but good will come of it!
Can’t wait to read “Almost Like Magic”.
May 27, 2015 at 5:35 pm
Thanks!!! I can’t wait for you to read it, too … fingers crossed 🙂